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How to create a restaurant website

Running a restaurant is certainly a juggling act, and adding a website into the mix can feel like tossing in a flaming torch. Your website needs to do more than just look appealing—it has to handle orders, update menus, and keep everything running smoothly without turning into another full-time job. But creating a website that actually works for you? That’s where things can get tricky.

A lot of restaurant owners dive in thinking, “How hard can it be?” only to find themselves knee-deep in integration nightmares and constant updates. If you’re trying to manage a separate ordering system, menu, and kitchen display, it can feel a bit like trying to cook a five-course meal with one hand tied behind your back.

What you need is a food ordering website that doesn’t interrupt the flow of your business. Instead, it should enhance how you can serve your customers. Let’s take a look at what to avoid—and what you should be looking for—when you create a restaurant website.

Integration headaches

So many people get a shiny new website, but every time they need to update the menu or track an order, they have to jump through hoops to make sure all your systems talk to each other. It’s like trying to get your phone, laptop, and that old tablet you found in a drawer to sync up—frustrating and time-consuming.

Many restaurant websites require separate systems for ordering, managing the kitchen, and updating menus, leading to a logistical nightmare. When your website isn’t integrated with your POS, KDS, and order management systems, you’re left playing tech support instead of running your business.

Integration headaches

The challenges of building a restaurant website

Cost and time investment

Building a website from scratch can feel like you’re throwing money into a bottomless pit. Developers, designers, ongoing maintenance—these costs add up quickly. And let’s not forget the time it takes to actually get it done. While you’re waiting for your site to be finished, you’re missing out on potential orders and customer engagement. Even after the site is up, keeping it updated with the latest menu items, prices, and availability can turn into a time-consuming affair, especially without a centralized system to manage everything.

Keeping it updated

Ever had a customer order a dish that’s no longer available because the website wasn’t updated? That breeds the kind of frustration that can lose you repeat business. When your website isn’t connected directly to your kitchen systems, keeping it up-to-date becomes a constant battle. You’re stuck manually updating menus, dealing with out-of-stock items, and crossing your fingers that nothing falls through the cracks. 

The challenges of building a restaurant website

What to look for in a restaurant website

Seamless integration with all your systems

The dream scenario? A website that doesn’t need a million plugins or workarounds to function. You want a system that’s fully integrated with your order management, menu updates, KDS, and POS right out of the box. This means any change you make—whether it’s a new dish on the menu or a temporary pause on orders—gets reflected everywhere instantly. No more double-checking or manual updates. Everything just works together, the way it should.

Customizability without the excessive costs

Your website needs to reflect your brand, but that shouldn’t mean hiring a designer every time you want to tweak something. Look for a system that lets you easily customize your site’s look and feel—think logo, colors, fonts, and even additional pages—without needing to learn code or wait for a developer. If you can’t manage it in-house, you’re destined to be left with a site that quickly becomes outdated.

What to look for in a restaurant website

Mobile responsiveness and speed

If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re missing out on a huge chunk of potential customers. People are browsing and ordering from their phones more than ever, so your site needs to load quickly and look great on any device. A slow, clunky website is the digital equivalent of a dirty table—it turns customers away before they even have a chance to see what you offer.

Built-in features

Your website should come packed with features that make running your business easier. Think about menu management tools, customer account options, AI recommendations, and security features that are ready to go from day one. These tools help you manage everything in one place, so you’re not scrambling to piece together different services and hoping they play nice together.

Payment processing

Online payments are a must, and setting them up should be straightforward. Look for a website that integrates payment options easily, so your customers can complete their orders without a hitch. A smooth payment process means less frustration for your customers and fewer abandoned carts for you.

The all-in-one solution = the best restaurant websites

Running a restaurant is demanding enough without having to wrestle with a website that needs constant attention. That’s why an all-in-one solution like Delivety can make a real difference. It’s designed to take care of the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to.

With Delivety, your website is directly connected to everything else you’re already using, from order management to your kitchen systems. This means updates, like changing a menu item or marking a dish as unavailable, happen automatically across the board. No more manual updates or worrying about whether everything’s in sync.

Here’s what you get with a Delivety website:

  • You can get your website up and running with just a few clicks, no coding required.
  • Your menu, orders, and kitchen systems are all linked, so changes are instantly reflected online.
  • Updating your menu or running out of an ingredient? The website automatically adjusts, so customers only see what’s actually available.
  • The design is easy to customize, letting you match the look and feel to your brand without needing a developer.
  • It’s built to be fast and mobile-friendly, ensuring customers have a smooth experience whether they’re ordering from their phone or computer.
  • Features like promotions, coupon codes, and quick checkout options are built in to help keep customers coming back.
  • Online payments are set up and ready to go, so customers can pay easily and securely.
  • If you already have a website you love, Delivety’s API makes it simple to integrate, so you can start using the system without a full overhaul.

With Delivety, everything is designed to work together, saving you time and hassle, and letting you focus on what you do best—running your restaurant.

Try Delivety for free

Creating and managing a restaurant website doesn’t have to be a headache. With an all-in-one solution like Delivety, you can streamline your operations and spent more time serving great food and keeping your customers happy. Ready to see how easy it can be? Try Delivety for free and experience the difference for yourself.

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